Thursday, May 31, 2012

Book: Inside of a Dog

Started reading Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz a few days ago. It's a very interesting read. Basically, it gives a new and different way to see why dogs act the way they do. I'm not even half way through yet, but I've already learned a lot. I'll have to give a full review of the book once I finish, but here's an excerpt from the inside cover for now:

"Horowitz introduces the reader to dogs' perceptual and cognitive abilities and then draws a picture of what it might be like to be a dog...Inside of a Dog also contains up-to-the-minute research--on dogs' detection of disease, the secrets of their tails, and their skill at reading out attention--that Horowitz puts into useful context..."

I really like the writing style, and the book has kept me interested so far (which is saying something because I rarely find nonfictional books even remotely interesting). I've read a lot of books and other research on dog training and behavior, and I haven't always agreed with what they had to say. Inside of the Dog is much closer to what I agree with, but I guess we'll never know unless we could actually read the mind of our dogs, lol.

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