Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dog Names

I met 2 dachshunds yesterday. One is named Steve. His sister is named Speedbump. LOL. That's just too cute. Speedbump is an awesome name for a dog, don't you think? I also met a Jack Blue Moon yesterday too. The mom liked the name Jack, but the daughter wanted to name him Blue Moon. I think Blue is a pretty name for a dog. Ignore the fact that it's the name of a character for a children's TV show. I'm also very surprised how popular the name Sophie is for dogs. That, and Emma, and Belle/Bella and Lula/Lola, and there's Jack and Max and Sam. I don't know why, but I have a thing against human names for dogs. I have a tendency to gravitate towards food names instead (like Snickers or Cookie), which I guess is kind of weird in it's own way, haha. Speaking of which, Oreo and Coco are really common names too. And Lucky. Not that I'm saying one name is better than another. It's just a lot of fun when some one calls out one name and 10 different dogs respond, lol.

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